Alphabetical List

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No. 4 of 2007 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment)
No. 28 of 1993 Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment)
No. 11 of 1990 Airports Authority (Amendment)
No. 26 of 1987 Airports Authority (Amendment and Validation)
No. 49 of 1979 Airports Authority
No. 28 of 1979 Aldwyn Vidale (Gratuity and Pension)
No. 47 of 1977 Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-I-Islam (Incorporation)
No. 13 of 1971 Alexander Lashley Deceased (Gratuity)
No. 9 of 1970 Alexander Holder (Special Gratuity and Pension)
No. 32 of 1966 Alexander Holder (Special Gratuity and Pension)
No. 10 of 1965 Airports
No. 2 of 1961 Aid to Pioneer Industries (Amendment)
No. 32 of 1956 Aid to Pioneer Industries (Amendment No. 2)
No. 16 of 1956 Aid to Pioneer Industries (Amendment)
No. 8 of 1952 Aid to Pioneer Industries (Amendment)
No. 40 of 1950 Aid to Pioneer Industries (Amendment)
No. 13 of 1950 Aid of Pioneer Industries
No. 46 of 1947 Alexander Ewart Lakhan (Pension)
No. 3 of 1931 Air Pressure Tanks Regulation
No. 31 of 1915 Agricultural Tax 1916
No. 45 of 1914 Agricultural Tax 1915
No. 33 of 1913 Agricultural Tax 1914
No. 53 of 1912 Agricultural Tax 1913
No. 36 of 1911 Agricultural Tax 1912
No. 19 of 1910 Agricultural Tax 1911
No. 34 of 1909 Agricultural Tax 1910
No. 48 of 1908 Agricultural Tax 1909
No. 34 of 1908 Agricultural Tax 1908
No. 15 of 1861 Alexander Tronchon-British Born Subject
No. 7 of 1854 Alexander Williams Anderson-sugar