Please Note - The following updated Acts have not yet been published as a Supplement to the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago.
Reference |
Title |
Type |
CHAPTER 20:10 | Cinematograph | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:02 | Corporation Tax | Act | |
CHAPTER 78:01 | Customs | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:03 | Hindu Marriage | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:01 | Income Tax | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:10 | Liquor Licences | Act | |
CHAPTER 77:01 | Miscellaneous Taxes | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:04 | Moneylenders | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:05 | Pawnbrokers | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:04 | Petroleum Taxes | Act | |
CHAPTER 63:56 | Plant Protection | Act | |
No. 1 of 2015 | Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property | Act | |
No. 17 of 2021 | Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority | Act | |
No. 1 of 2022 | Trinidad and Tobago Special Economic Zones | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:06 | Value Added Tax | Act |