Repealed Acts

These are Acts or Ordinances which have been repealed or become spent and no longer form part of the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

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No. 11 of 1880 Supplemental Estimates 1879 Ordinance
No. 29 of 1879 Supplemental Estimates 1878 Ordinance
No. 27 of 1879 Immigration Funds 1880 Ordinance
No. 26 of 1879 Defraying expenses of Government-1880 Ordinance
No. 25 of 1879 To impose a tax on land and houses Ordinance
No. 24 of 1879 Weights and Measures Ordinance
No. 23 of 1879 To Repeal S43 of Customs Ordinance 1878 Ordinance
No. 22 of 1879 Management of Roads Ordinance
No. 20 of 1879 To amend 13 of 1868-Granting of Licences-rum, beer etc. Ordinance
No. 19 of 1879 Customs Duties Ordinance
No. 18 of 1879 Proceedings before Justices of the Peace-Fees Ordinance
No. 17 of 1879 To Vest Guaracara Tramroad in Her Majesty the Queen Ordinance
No. 16 of 1879 Manufacturer of Cordials and other compounds Ordinance
No. 15 of 1879 Recovery of Public Land Charges Ordinance
No. 14 of 1879 Sale of Opium Ordinance
No. 13 of 1879 To prevent trespassing on Railways Ordinance
No. 12 of 1879 Railway-extending to San Fernando Ordinance
No. 10 of 1879 To amend 4 of 1858-Investment of Suitors moneys Ordinance
No. 9 of 1879 Licences to be at large-convicts under Imprisonment Ordinance
No. 8 of 1879 Management and Disposal of Crown Lands Ordinance
No. 6 of 1879 To provide for the constitution of a Volunteer Force Ordinance
No. 4 of 1879 Statutory Declarations Ordinance
No. 2 of 1879 To amend Labourers Protection Ordinances Ordinance
No. 25 of 1878 Defraying Expenses of Government-1879 Ordinance
No. 20 of 1878 To amend Customs Ordinance 1878 Ordinance
No. 15 of 1878 Wardens-amending Ordinance
No. 14 of 1878 To continue-Wild Birds Protection Ordinance 1875 Ordinance
No. 13 of 1878 Supplemental Estimates 1877 Ordinance
No. 12 of 1878 To exempt canteen in Police Barracks-Liquor licences etc. Ordinance
No. 3 of 1878 Customs Duties on oils rum, tobacco Ordinance