Recent Updates of Acts

Please Note - The following updated Acts have not yet been published as a Supplement to the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago.




CHAPTER 76:04 Property Tax Act
CHAPTER 32:03 Public Assistance Act
No. 1 of 2015 Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act
CHAPTER 48:02 Public Transport Service Act
CHAPTER 28:05 Quarantine Act
CHAPTER 19:03 Registrar General Act
CHAPTER 82:85 Registration of Business Names Act
CHAPTER 21:01 Registration of Clubs Act
CHAPTER 54:73 Regulated Industries Commission Act
CHAPTER 2:01 Representation of the People Act Act
CHAPTER 17:04 Retiring Allowances (Diplomatic Service) Act
CHAPTER 2:03 Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act
CHAPTER 84:07 Scrap Metal Act
CHAPTER 83:02 Securities Act
CHAPTER 32:02 Senior Citizens' Pension Act
CHAPTER 4:32 Sentencing Commission Act
CHAPTER 11:28 Sexual Offences Act
CHAPTER 50:10 Shipping Act
No. 6 of 2022 Southern Academy for the Performing Arts Act
CHAPTER 15:03 Special Reserve Police Act
CHAPTER 76:01 Stamp Duty Act
CHAPTER 57:01 State Lands Act
CHAPTER 8:02 State Liability and Proceedings Act
No. 8 of 2018 State Suits Limitation Act
CHAPTER 46:07 Status of Children Act
CHAPTER 24:01 Statutory Authorities Act
CHAPTER 15:06 Strategic Services Agency Act
CHAPTER 4:20 Summary Courts Act
CHAPTER 11:02 Summary Offences Act
CHAPTER 4:01 Supreme Court of Judicature Act