Alphabetical List

Access Acts/Ordinances alphabetically from 1838-2014.

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No. CHAPTER 11:15 of 2023 Coinage Offences
No. CHAPTER 11:15 of 2020 Coinage Offences
No. 30 of 1998 Cohabitational Relationships
No. 10 of 1987 Cocoa (Rehabilitation) Board (Former Employees)
No. 31 of 1970 Cocoa Industry (Rehabilitation) Ordinance (Repeal)
No. 35 of 1966 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 9 of 1964 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 20 of 1961 Cocoa Industry (Now Cocoa and Coffee)
No. 27 of 1954 Cocoa Subsidy Special Taxation (Amendment)
No. 13 of 1954 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 48 of 1952 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 27 of 1948 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 29 of 1947 Cocoa Subsidy (Special Taxation) (Amendment)
No. 49 of 1943 Cocoa Subsidy (Special Taxation) (Amendment)
No. 1 of 1942 Cocoa Industry Suspension
No. 5 of 1941 Cocoa Industry (Amendment)
No. 28 of 1940 Cocoa Industry
No. 38 of 1935 Cocoa Subsidy Loan
No. 36 of 1935 Cocoa Subsidy Special Taxation
No. 24 of 1932 Cocoa Industry Relief
No. 18 of 1932 Cocoa Export Tax
No. 33 of 1931 Cocoa Industry Relief (Amendment)
No. 21 of 1931 Cocoa Industry Relief (Amendment)
No. 36 of 1930 Cocoa Industry Relief
No. 12 of 1925 Coinage Offences
No. 16 of 1921 Cocoa-(Import and Export)
No. 39 of 1895 Cocoa Licence
No. 33 of 1893 Cocoa Licences
No. 13 of 1893 Cocoa Licences
No. 6 of 1867 Cohn McKenzie Dick, William Torrance- Licence Wine and Spirits-retail