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No. CHAPTER 62:01 of 2023 Petroleum
No. CHAPTER 11:14 of 2023 Perjury
No. 9 of 2023 Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies Incorporation (Amendment) Act
No. 7 of 2005 Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals (Amendment)
No. 42 of 1997 Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (Amendment)
No. 11 of 1986 Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals (Amendment)
No. 42 of 1979 Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals
No. 3 of 1977 Pensions (Nellie Warner)
No. 10 of 1971 Pensions Extension (Amendment)
No. 29 of 1970 Pentecostal United Holy Church of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation)
No. 46 of 1969 Petroleum
No. 35 of 1967 Pensions (Extension) (Amendment) (No. 2)
No. 12 of 1967 Pensions Extension (Amendment)
No. 26 of 1965 Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (Incorporation)
No. 4 of 1962 Petro-Chemicals Industry Development
No. 29 of 1948 Petroleum (Amendment)
No. 16 of 1940 Pensions (War Service)
No. 15 of 1925 Perjury
No. 4 of 1924 Perjury Summary Punishment
No. 2 of 1916 Pensions of certain Officers
No. 20 of 1915 Petroleum
No. 18 of 1912 Perjury (summary punishment)
No. 14 of 1909 Petroleum
No. 31 of 1908 Petroleum
No. 24 of 1902 Petroleum
No. 29 of 1895 Petroleum
No. 15 of 1891 Peoples Bank
No. 7 of 1880 Persons subject to Supervision of the Police-Convicts on licence
No. 4 of 1865 Persons deserting their wives and children-summary remedy
No. 12 of 1844 Persons to serve as jurors