Repealed Acts

These are Acts or Ordinances which have been repealed or become spent and no longer form part of the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

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No. 22 of 1929 Magistrates Procedure Ordinance
No. 21 of 1929 School Teachers' Pension Ordinance
No. 15 of 1929 Maintenance Orders Enforcement (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 3 of 1929 Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 35 of 1928 Sugar-Cane Small Holdings Ordinance
No. 30 of 1928 Prevention of Accidents (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 28 of 1928 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance
No. 25 of 1928 Quarantine (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 24 of 1928 Diseases of Animals (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 23 of 1928 Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 22 of 1928 Agricultural Bank (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 21 of 1928 Agricultural Credit Societies (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 20 of 1928 Summary Conviction Offences-Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 17 of 1928 Trustee (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 15 of 1928 Local Naturalization (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 14 of 1928 Spirits and Spirit Compounds (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 12 of 1928 Infanticide Ordinance
No. 11 of 1928 Prevention of Accidents Ordinance
No. 10 of 1928 Income Tax (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 9 of 1928 Wild Birds and Animals (Protection) (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 8 of 1928 Widows and Orphans Pensions (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 7 of 1928 Criminal justice Ordinance
No. 2 of 1928 Seats for shop Assistants Ordinance
No. 1 of 1928 Expulsion of Undesirables (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 16 of 1927 Wills and Probate (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 15 of 1927 Agricultural Bank (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 12 of 1927 General Loan and Inscribed Stock Ordinance
No. 11 of 1927 Judicature (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 10 of 1927 Governors Salary (Amendment) Ordinance
No. 5 of 1927 Distressed Seamen Repatriation Ordinance