Repealed Acts

These are Acts or Ordinances which have been repealed or become spent and no longer form part of the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

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No. 31 of 1868 Defraying Expenses of Government-1869 Ordinance
No. 30 of 1868 Funds-Immigration 1869 Ordinance
No. 27 of 1868 Improving Quays of Port-of-Spain Ordinance
No. 25 of 1868 Facilitating Plantation and settlement-Crown Lands Ordinance
No. 24 of 1868 Abolishing Court of Intendant-Regulating Sale of Crown Lands Ordinance
No. 23 of 1868 Escribano of Court of Intendant-performance of duties Ordinance
No. 22 of 1868 Appropriation-Casual Revenues Ordinance
No. 21 of 1868 To amend 21 of 1867-Escheats Ordinance
No. 20 of 1868 John Cockerton-pension-Borough of Port-of-Spain Ordinance
No. 19 of 1868 Raising �1,520-Couva Road Union Ordinance
No. 18 of 1868 Ascertaining the time when Ordinances shall commence Ordinance
No. 16 of 1868 Special Licensing Sessions Ordinance
No. 15 of 1868 Prevention of Glanders Ordinance
No. 14 of 1868 To repeal 7 of 1841-Asylum for lepers Ordinance
No. 13 of 1868 Licences-retail wine etc. Ordinance
No. 12 of 1868 Supplemental Estimates 1867 Ordinance
No. 10 of 1868 Immigrants Ordinance
No. 9 of 1868 Repeal of certain Orders in Council and Ordinances Ordinance
No. 8 of 1868 Appointment of Coroners Ordinance
No. 7 of 1868 Organizing the Police Force Ordinance
No. 6 of 1868 Rendering certain offences punishable on summary conviction Ordinance
No. 4 of 1868 Amend and Consolidate-Licences-retail wine etc. Ordinance
No. 3 of 1868 Removal of persons from Crown Land Ordinance
No. 13 of 1867 Lucien Agostini-invention Ordinance
No. 12 of 1867 William George Sharp Mockford-invention Ordinance
No. 10 of 1867 Sales of infants' estates Ordinance
No. 9 of 1867 Destitute Persons in rural districts Ordinance
No. 8 of 1867 William Edward George-invention Ordinance
No. 7 of 1867 George Brocldehurst-invention Ordinance
No. 6 of 1867 Cohn McKenzie Dick, William Torrance- Licence Wine and Spirits-retail Ordinance