Repealed Acts

These are Acts or Ordinances which have been repealed or become spent and no longer form part of the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

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No. 19 of 1874 To continue 8 of 1869-Crown Lands Ordinance
No. 18 of 1874 Defraying expenses of Government Ordinance
No. 17 of 1874 Funds Immigration Ordinance
No. 16 of 1874 Abbreviating Legal Phraseology Ordinance
No. 15 of 1874 Manufacture of cordials and compounds Ordinance
No. 14 of 1874 Importation of foreign reprints Ordinance
No. 11 of 1874 Small Pox-General Health Rate Ordinance
No. 10 of 1874 Petty Civil Court Ordinance
No. 5 of 1874 Board of Commissioners-Contract- Colonial Company Limited and Cipero Tramroad Ordinance
No. 4 of 1874 Supplemental Estimates Ordinance
No. 20 of 1873 Reformatory Schools Ordinance
No. 19 of 1873 Amending 27 of 1872-Customs duties Ordinance
No. 18 of 1873 Defraying expenses of Government-1874 Ordinance
No. 17 of 1873 Funds Immigration 1874 Ordinance
No. 16 of 1873 Improvement of town of Port-of-Spain Ordinance
No. 14 of 1873 North German Lloyd Company Ordinance
No. 12 of 1873 Market on the extended wharf Ordinance
No. 11 of 1873 Establishing Railway-Port-of-Spain-Arima Ordinance
No. 10 of 1873 Vesting in a single judge-powers to discharge debtors Ordinance
No. 9 of 1873 To enable Local Road Boards-contracts 5 years Ordinance
No. 8 of 1873 Incorporation of Bishop of Trinidad Ordinance
No. 6 of 1873 Supplemental Estimates Ordinance
No. 5 of 1873 Salaries of officers Administering Government Ordinance
No. 3 of 1873 To amend 28 of 1872 Ordinance
No. 2 of 1873 Licensing of Burial Grounds Ordinance
No. 1 of 1873 Medical Board-Holders of foreign Diplomas Ordinance
No. 13 of 1872 Small Pox Ordinance
No. 12 of 1872 Criminal Sessions San Fernando October, December, 1872 Ordinance
No. 11 of 1872 Sittings of the Supreme Court Ordinance
No. 6 of 1872 Prevention of Danger from Petroleum Ordinance