Repealed Acts

These are Acts or Ordinances which have been repealed or become spent and no longer form part of the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

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No. 23 of 1881 Loan �140,300-Completion of San Fernando Extension -Railway - Cumuto-Guaracara Ordinance
No. 21 of 1881 Prohibiting keeping open of shops after a certain hour on Sunday Ordinance
No. 20 of 1881 To Amend Education-1875 Ordinance
No. 19 of 1881 To amend Foreign reprints Ordinance-1874 Ordinance
No. 17 of 1881 Defraying expenses of Government-1882 Ordinance
No. 16 of 1881 To repeal duties on Rum etc.-raise other duties Ordinance
No. 14 of 1881 Hackney Carriages San Fernando 1881-to amend Ordinance
No. 11 of 1881 Discipline of the Police Force Ordinance
No. 9 of 1881 To amend Public Health-1869 Ordinance
No. 7 of 1881 Supplemental Estimates-1880 Ordinance
No. 6 of 1881 Marriages and Divorces of Indian Immigrants Ordinance
No. 5 of 1881 Hackney Carriages-San Fernando Ordinance
No. 3 of 1881 Repealing certain Orders in Council-ceased to be in force Ordinance
No. 2 of 1881 Coroners-amend Ordinance
No. 1 of 1881 Licences for the retail of Intoxicating liquor Ordinance
No. 19 of 1880 Immigration Funds-1881 Ordinance
No. 18 of 1880 Defraying Expenses of Government-1881 Ordinance
No. 17 of 1880 Adulteration of Food and Drugs Ordinance
No. 16 of 1880 Appointment of Additional Constables Ordinance
No. 15 of 1880 Imprisonment for Debt-amend Ordinance
No. 14 of 1880 Customs-amend Ordinance
No. 12 of 1880 Census 1881 Ordinance
No. 10 of 1880 Registration of Assurances Ordinance
No. 9 of 1880 Loss of Registered Letters-Compensation Ordinance
No. 6 of 1880 Administration of Justice by Stipendiary Justice of the Peace to amend Ordinance
No. 5 of 1880 Volunteer Ordinance 1879-to amend Ordinance
No. 4 of 1880 Weights and Measures Ordinance
No. 3 of 1880 Waterworks-amend Ordinance
No. 2 of 1880 Gunpowder and explosive substances Ordinance
No. 1 of 1880 To effect an exchange of certain lands-(private) Ordinance