Please Note - The following updated Acts have not yet been published as a Supplement to the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago.
Reference |
Title |
Type |
CHAPTER 3:01 | Interpretation | Act | |
CHAPTER 6:02 | Judges Salaries and Pensions | Act | |
CHAPTER 6:01 | Judicial and Legal Service | Act | |
CHAPTER 58:04 | Land Surveyors | Act | |
CHAPTER 7:07 | Legal Aid and Advice | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:06 | Licensing of Dealers (Precious Metals and Stones) | Act | |
CHAPTER 7:09 | Limitation of Certain Actions | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:10 | Liquor Licences | Act | |
CHAPTER 30:52 | Litter | Act | |
CHAPTER 11:06 | Malicious Damage | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:01 | Marriage | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:50 | Married Persons | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:51 | Matrimonial Proceedings and Property | Act | |
CHAPTER 28:02 | Mental Health | Act | |
CHAPTER 82:06 | Metrology | Act | |
CHAPTER 61:03 | Minerals | Act | |
CHAPTER 88:04 | Minimum Wages | Act | |
No. 17 of 2018 | Miscellaneous Provisions (Heritage Petroleum, Paria Fuel Trading and Guaracara Refining Vesting) | Act | |
CHAPTER 77:01 | Miscellaneous Taxes | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:04 | Moneylenders | Act | |
CHAPTER 25:04 | Municipal Corporations | Act | |
No. 4 of 2023 | Municipal Corporations (Extension of Terms of Office and Validation) | Act | |
CHAPTER 25:05 | Municipal Corporations (Pensions) | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:02 | Muslim Marriage and Divorce | Act | |
CHAPTER 11:24 | Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters | Act | |
No. 5 of 2022 | National Academy for the Performing Arts | Act | |
CHAPTER 19:04 | National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) | Act | |
CHAPTER 39:58 | National Institute of Higher Education (Research, Science and Technology) | Act | |
CHAPTER 32:01 | National Insurance | Act | |
CHAPTER 40:01 | National Library and Information System | Act |