Please Note - The following updated Acts have not yet been published as a Supplement to the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago.
Reference |
Title |
Type |
CHAPTER 29:02 | Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel | Act | |
CHAPTER 35:05 | Environmental Management | Act | |
CHAPTER 7:02 | Evidence | Act | |
CHAPTER 69:01 | Exchequer and Audit | Act | |
CHAPTER 78:50 | Excise (General Provisions) | Act | |
CHAPTER 16:02 | Explosives | Act | |
CHAPTER 81:13 | Fair Trading | Act | |
No. 6 of 2016 | Family and Children Division | Act | |
CHAPTER 46:08 | Family Law (Guardianship of Minors, Domicile and Maintenance) | Act | |
CHAPTER 46:09 | Family Proceedings and Children Proceedings | Act | |
CHAPTER 79:09 | Financial Institutions | Act | |
CHAPTER 72:01 | Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago | Act | |
CHAPTER 16:01 | Firearms | Act | |
CHAPTER 35:50 | Fire Service | Act | |
CHAPTER 66:01 | Forests | Act | |
CHAPTER 22:02 | Freedom of Information | Act | |
CHAPTER 32:50 | Friendly Societies | Act | |
CHAPTER 11:19 | Gambling and Betting | Act | |
No. 8 of 2021 | Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control | Act | |
CHAPTER 71:41 | Government Savings Bonds | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:05 | Health Surcharge | Act | |
CHAPTER 70:09 | Heritage and Stabilisation Fund | Act | |
CHAPTER 45:03 | Hindu Marriage | Act | |
CHAPTER 18:01 | Immigration | Act | |
CHAPTER 75:01 | Income Tax | Act | |
CHAPTER 85:04 | Income Tax (In Aid of Industry) | Act | |
CHAPTER 88:01 | Industrial Relations | Act | |
CHAPTER 84:01 | Insurance | Act | |
CHAPTER 15:08 | Interception of Communications | Act | |
No. 5 of 2017 | International Financial Organisations (Corporación Andina de Fomento) | Act |