Alphabetical List

Access Acts/Ordinances alphabetically from 1838-2014.

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No. CHAPTER 11:24 of 2023 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
No. CHAPTER 45:02 of 2023 Muslim Marriage and Divorce
No. 7 of 2020 Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Act
No. CHAPTER 11:24 of 2019 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
No. CHAPTER 45:02 of 2019 Muslim Marriage and Divorce
No. CHAPTER 25:05 of 2019 Municipal Corporations (Pensions)
No. 39 of 1997 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
No. 4 of 1996 Municipal Councils 1996 Elections (Special Provisions)
No. 7 of 1992 Municipal Councils 1992 Elections (Special Provisions)
No. 21 of 1990 Municipal Corporations (Sections 1 and 273)
No. 15 of 1984 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 6 of 1983 Municipal Corporations (Special Gratuities)
No. 13 of 1965 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 7 of 1961 Muslim Marriage and Divorce
No. 12 of 1957 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 38 of 1956 Municipal Elections (Amendment)
No. 27 of 1956 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 12 of 1954 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 12 of 1953 Municipal Elections (Amendment)
No. 43 of 1946 Municipal Elections (Amendment)
No. 3 of 1944 Municipal Corporations (Pensions) (Amendment)
No. 29 of 1935 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration
No. 22 of 1935 Municipal Elections (Amendment)
No. 7 of 1926 Municipal Elections-Port-of-Spain (Amendment)
No. 26 of 1925 Municipal Elections
No. 19 of 1920 Municipal Elections
No. 20 of 1916 Municipal Elections
No. 16 of 1915 Municipal Elections
No. 18 of 1914 Municipal Corporations-San Fernando
No. 35 of 1912 Municipal Corporations-San Fernando