Alphabetical List

Access Acts/Ordinances alphabetically from 1838-2014.

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No. CHAPTER 25:05 of 2023 Municipal Corporations (Pensions)
No. 4 of 2023 Municipal Corporations (Extension of Terms of Office and Validation) Act
No. No. 4 of 2023 of 2023 Municipal Corporations (Extension of Terms of Office and Validation)
No. CHAPTER 25:04 of 2023 Municipal Corporations
No. CHAPTER 25:04 of 2022 Municipal Corporations
No. CHAPTER 25:04 of 2019 Municipal Corporations
No. 13 of 2013 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 5 of 2009 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 11 of 2008 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 18 of 2007 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 14 of 2006 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 13 of 2003 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 36 of 1995 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 8 of 1992 Municipal Corporations (Amendment)
No. 26 of 1980 Municipal Corporations Ordinances (Amendment)
No. 1 of 1971 Municipal Corporations Ordinances (Amendment)
No. 14 of 1970 Municipal Corporations Ordinances (Amendment)
No. 21 of 1967 Municipal Corporations Ordinances (Amendment)
No. 18 of 1964 Municipal Corporations Ordinances (Miscellaneous Amendments)
No. 20 of 1962 Municipal Corporations (Extension of terms)
No. 29 of 1936 Municipal Corporations Pensions
No. 51 of 1920 Municipal Corporations-Elections
No. 5 of 1920 Municipal Corporations
No. 32 of 1916 Municipal Corporations (Arima)
No. 14 of 1914 Municipal Corporations
No. 15 of 1901 Municipal Corporations
No. 24 of 1896 Municipal Charters
No. 6 of 1892 Municipal Corporations
No. 17 of 1884 Municipal Corporations
No. 5 of 1884 Municipal Corporations