Alphabetical List

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No. CHAPTER 58:04 of 2023 Land Surveyors
No. CHAPTER 58:04 of 2019 Land Surveyors
No. 9 of 2018 Land Tribunal (Amendment) Act
No. 10 of 2010 Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Amendment)
No. 15 of 2000 Land Tribunal
No. 33 of 1996 Land Surveyors
No. 7 of 1986 Land Surveyors (Amendment)
No. 15 of 1983 Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Amendment)
No. 24 of 1981 Land Registration
No. 11 of 1981 Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)
No. 18 of 1968 Lands and Buildings Taxes (Amendment)
No. 19 of 1952 Land Surveyors
No. 16 of 1949 Landlord and Tenant (Amendment)
No. 11 of 1948 Lands and Buildings Taxes (Amendment)
No. 18 of 1947 Lands and Buildings Taxes (Amendment)
No. 1 of 1936 Lands and Buildings Taxes (Amendment)
No. 32 of 1934 Land Surveyors (Amendment)
No. 16 of 1932 Lands and Buildings Taxes (Amendment)
No. 9 of 1922 Land Surveyors
No. 27 of 1921 Lands and Buildings Taxes
No. 50 of 1920 Lands and Buildings Taxes
No. 39 of 1920 Lands and Buildings Taxes
No. 14 of 1920 Lands and Buildings Taxes
No. 10 of 1919 Larceny
No. 26 of 1902 Land Taxes Exemption
No. 28 of 1893 Lands and Buildings Taxes
No. 25 of 1890 Land Tax
No. 14 of 1887 Larceny
No. 6 of 1852 Lands Sold for Water Rates-fixed percentage in lieu of fees
No. 11 of 1842 Larceny