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No. CHAPTER 6:04 of 2023 Coroners
No. CHAPTER 82:80 of 2023 Copyright
No. CHAPTER 6:04 of 2020 Coroners
No. 14 of 2020 Copyright (Amendment) Act
No. CHAPTER 82:80 of 2020 Copyright
No. 5 of 2008 Copyright (Amendment)
No. 8 of 1997 Copyright
No. 17 of 1996 Coroners (Amendment)
No. 13 of 1985 Copyright
No. 53 of 1970 Coroners (Amendment)
No. 34 of 1966 Copyright (Amendment)
No. 56 of 1952 Copyright (Amendment)
No. 54 of 1946 Coroners (Amendment)
No. 1 of 1946 Corporal Punishment
No. 20 of 1941 Corporal Punishment
No. 2 of 1935 Corporal Punishment (Amendment)
No. 30 of 1930 Coroners (Amendment)
No. 4 of 1918 Copyright
No. 12 of 1916 Corporal Punishment
No. 8 of 1914 Corporal Punishment
No. 17 of 1912 Coroners
No. 11 of 1907 Coroners
No. 35 of 1902 Corporal Punishment
No. 12 of 1902 Corporal Punishment
No. 34 of 1900 Corporal Punishment
No. 15 of 1893 Coroners
No. 15 of 1888 Cordials and Compounds
No. 6 of 1883 Corporal Punishment
No. 2 of 1881 Coroners-amend
No. 25 of 1875 Coroners-amend