Alphabetical List

Access Acts/Ordinances alphabetically from 1838-2014.

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No. 12 of 2007 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 6 of 2006 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 89 of 2000 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 82 of 2000 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 81 of 2000 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 43 of 2000 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 29 of 1999 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 39 of 1996 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 10 of 1995 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 30 of 1994 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 8 of 1988 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 2 of 1988 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 13 of 1982 Constitution (Amendment)
No. 14 of 1963 Conservation of Wild Life (Amendment)
No. 28 of 1936 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 3 of 1936 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 17 of 1933 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 23 of 1932 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 11 of 1930 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 13 of 1927 Constabulary (Amendment)
No. 30 of 1921 Constabulary
No. 23 of 1912 Constabulary
No. 16 of 1908 Constabulary
No. 26 of 1905 Constabulary
No. 16 of 1905 Constabulary
No. 20 of 1862 Constituting Rectory-St. Philip and St. Peter-St. Andrew
No. 16 of 1850 Constituting Vestries for the Roman Catholic Church
No. 17 of 1848 Constituting-Board of Health
No. 33 of 1845 Constituting a Corporate Body San Fernando
No. 2 of 1844 Consolidating and amending Laws-Roads and Bridges