Alphabetical List

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No. CHAPTER 67:01 of 2023 Conservation of Wild Life
No. CHAPTER 67:01 of 2020 Conservation of Wild Life
No. CHAPTER 67:01 of 2019 Conservation of Wild Life
No. 86 of 2000 Computer Misuse
No. 20 of 1995 Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny (Incorporation)
No. 20 of 1991 Confederation of African (Incorporation)
No. 23 of 1981 Condominiums
No. 18 of 1963 Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Faith (Incorporation)
No. 14 of 1963 Conservation of Wild Life (Amendment)
No. 16 of 1958 Conservation of Wild Life
No. 32 of 1944 Compulsory Education (Amendment)
No. 2 of 1942 Compulsory Training and Services (Emergency)
No. 15 of 1931 Compulsory Registration of Deeds
No. 37 of 1921 Compulsory Education
No. 30 of 1921 Constabulary
No. 39 of 1917 Confinement of Animals
No. 23 of 1912 Constabulary
No. 16 of 1908 Constabulary
No. 23 of 1907 Companies Incorporated Abroad
No. 27 of 1906 Confirmation of certain proceedings-Board of Education
No. 26 of 1905 Constabulary
No. 16 of 1905 Constabulary
No. 6 of 1894 Confirming certain marriages
No. 21 of 1890 Companies (not for gain)
No. 7 of 1865 Confirming deeds made by married women-21 of 1855
No. 12 of 1862 Complaint Court
No. 36 of 1859 Confinement of certain Lunatics at Royal Gaol
No. 31 of 1859 Conrad Frederick StolImeyer-invention
No. 14 of 1858 Confinement of Lunatics-Trinidad Lunatic Asylum
No. 2 of 1844 Consolidating and amending Laws-Roads and Bridges