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No. 8 of 1917 Apportionment
No. 28 of 1909 Apportionment
No. 41 of 1908 Appointment-Q. H. Spicer-Sub-Registrar, San Fernando
No. 12 of 1901 Apportionment
No. 21 of 1900 Appointments of Judges
No. 16 of 1880 Appointment of Additional Constables
No. 10 of 1875 Appointment-Director of Public Works
No. 5 of 1870 Appointment of Colonial Storekeeper
No. 23 of 1869 Appointment of judges in certain cases
No. 9 of 1869 Appointment-Superintendent of Public Works
No. 4 of 1869 Appointment of Surgeon General
No. 8 of 1868 Appointment of Coroners
No. 29 of 1867 Appointments of Bailiffs
No. 24 of 1867 Appointment of Surveyor General
No. 6 of 1860 Apprenticing children of Indian Immigrants
No. 3 of 1860 Appointment of Auditor General
No. 2 of 1860 Apprenticing children
No. 24 of 1859 Appointment of Interpreters
No. 7 of 1859 Appointment-Assistant Receiver General
No. 23 of 1858 Apprenticing children
No. 8 of 1857 Apprenticing destitute orphans
No. 17 of 1855 Appointment Receiver General-Abolish- Colonial Treasurer and Collector of Customs
No. 6 of 1855 Appointment-Bailiffs-Petty Civil Courts
No. 5 of 1853 Appointment-Assistant Receives of Omitted Duties and Taxes
No. 9 of 1849 Appointment of Wardens-
No. 12 of 1847 Appointment of a Registrar General
No. 6 of 1847 Apprehension of offenders-Venezuela
No. 13 of 1846 Apprehension of offenders from Venezuela
No. 11 of 1846 Apprehension of offenders escaping to Trinidad from any other of H. M. Colonies and foreign possessions
No. 16 of 1833 Appropriating sums-Payment of Salaries to Public Officers