Alphabetical List

Access Acts/Ordinances alphabetically from 1838-2014.

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No. 18 of 1986 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 15 of 1982 Workers' Bank (Amendment)
No. 16 of 1979 Winston Guiseppi (Pension and Gratuity)
No. 4 of 1973 Wireless Division (Superannuation Benefits and Compensation for Loss of Office)
No. 32 of 1971 Workers Bank
No. 23 of 1948 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 34 of 1945 Wills and Probate (Amendment No. 2)
No. 25 of 1945 Wills and Probate (Amendment)
No. 12 of 1945 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 20 of 1943 Workmens' Compensation (Amendment)
No. 23 of 1941 Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment)
No. 7 of 1940 Wills and Probate (Amendment)
No. 17 of 1936 Wireless Telegraphy
No. 1 of 1933 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 5 of 1932 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 9 of 1930 Wireless Telegraphy (Explanation)
No. 16 of 1927 Wills and Probate (Amendment)
No. 30 of 1926 Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment)
No. 8 of 1926 Workmen's Compensation
No. 3 of 1926 Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment)
No. 23 of 1924 Wireless Telegraphy
No. 25 of 1922 Wills and Probate
No. 6 of 1917 Wireless Telegraphy
No. 41 of 1912 Wills and Probate
No. 32 of 1911 Wills and Probate
No. 35 of 1909 Wireless Telegraphy
No. 29 of 1907 Wills and Probate
No. 11 of 1903 Wireless Telegraphy
No. 6 of 1902 Wills and Probate
No. 6 of 1862 Wills made by British Subjects